Principal's Message


My leadership journey began 25 years ago first as a Middle school teacher at Ocala Middle School and then as a high school teacher.  I’ve had the great opportunity of serving in a variety of leadership positions, such as,  Coordinator of content area for PE and Health at East Side Union High School District until 2007, as an Assistant Principal, Principal and Director of Secondary Education for Milpitas Unified School District from 2007 to 2015.  As Coordinator of Instruction, Technology and Assessment for Lammersville Unified, as the Director of Program and Student Support Services for nearly four years at Metropolitan Education District, and my current role as Principal of Sylvia Cassell elementary School. I have always felt that my work was to serve those who needed it most and where the most need is and that compelled me to return to exactly where I started as a member of the ARUSD family where I can contribute to meeting the needs of the staff, students and families of Sylvia Cassell Elementary School.  

In each role that I serve the focus of equity- is a must do first approach, to ensure that “All means All”, and with a passionate belief that creating communities of learners begins with adults, I lead with clear expectations of creating and sustaining ongoing professional development focused on student learning.  I truly feel that data is the only thing that is able to impact the change of our practices and fuel the appropriate initiatives and reform efforts so the use of data and cycles of inquiry are also at the forefront of my leadership.

Using all of these practices and values with other district and site leaders has really allowed me to serve the vision and mission of district Strategic Plans, Local Control Accountability Plans, and to deliver Ongoing Professional Development all while supporting Site Leaders in meeting their goals of the School Plan for Student Achievement and providing an opportunity to share, create and serve to my colleagues who manage our English Learner, Student Services, and Special Education Programs.

I could not be more grateful to have an opportunity to serve our community here at Sylvia Cassell and I am so excited to continue the work